Jets’ Early-Season Challenge: Timing of Games, Not Opponents

The Jets face an unusual but navigable early schedule

The Jets are once again facing a challenging early-season schedule, but this time the challenge lies in the timing of their games rather than the opponents themselves. Despite having seven standalone games in the first eleven weeks and two four-day turnarounds in the first nine weeks, there are still plenty of winnable games before their Week 12 bye.

The Jets have several winnable matchups coming up, including games against the Titans (Week 2), Patriots (Week 3), Broncos (Week 4), Vikings (Week 5), Patriots (Week 8), and Cardinals (Week 10). With Aaron Rodgers remaining healthy, these games are well within reach for the Jets. Additionally, they also have opportunities to win against other teams such as the 49ers, Bills, Steelers, Texans, and Colts.

Despite the difficult games coming later in the season with matchups against playoff teams and almost qualifiers from the previous year, the Jets are prepared for the challenge. Even though they don’t have any late-afternoon games on CBS in their back end of their schedule, they understand that every team faces scheduling challenges and can only play their best in each game.

With a record of 6-5, 7-4 or even 8-3 not out of the realm of possibility, the Jets have hope for a successful season. They will face some tough competition down the line but with their preparation and determination to play their best in each game they can overcome any obstacle that comes their way.

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