From Fading to Flourishing: The Northgate Mall’s Renewal and the Power of Local Businesses in Lafayette

Local business owners hope for business revival on the north side

The Northgate Mall in Lafayette, Louisiana, was once the go-to spot for local business owners. Now, with new businesses like Cristal Henry’s Glam House opening up at the mall, there is renewed hope for its revival. Despite misconceptions that the mall is empty, there are actually 35 shops operating, most of which are local businesses providing valuable services to the community.

Ebony Roberts, a former teacher turned skincare business owner who has been at the mall for six years, attests to the growth and potential of the area. She emphasizes that there is a strong sense of community pride in the north side of Lafayette and encourages residents to support local businesses to help build up the area for future generations.

Business owners and locals alike are optimistic about the future of the Northgate Mall and believe that with continued support and investment, it can once again become a vibrant hub for both residents and visitors. By preserving the legacy of the community and attracting more businesses to the area, they hope to see it become a thriving destination.

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